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Miscellaneous Aid

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Miscellaneous Aid


Clothing aid, according to the needs

The cloakroom gives persons and families in precarious situations the possibility of obtaining free clothing.

The clothes given generously are stored there. Only those in good condition are kept, the ones felt to be too worn to be given are collected every month by a rehabilitation organisation in Nice in charge of repairing them.

Volunteer teams are in charge of sorting out the clothes and receiving the beneficiaries. If you wish more information and become a cloakroom volunteer, go to the hyperlink.

Thanks to the cloakroom, the Red Cross is able throughout the year to meet the demands and needs of people in difficult situations, even in great distress, such as the homeless flowing in from the whole area.

The cloakroom is open to users on Thursday afternoon from 2.30 to 5.00 p.m. and by appointment in case of emergency

Distribution of furniture, various equipments

Furniture, clothes and various equipments are offered to the Red Cross by generous donors who, throughout the year, express their support and loyalty.

Second-hand furniture is also given after evaluating everyone’s situation and needs, both essential and diverse: children’s furniture, desks, TV…

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