The Board of Directors
H.S.H. Prince Albert II
President of the Monegasque Red Cross
H.S.H. Princess Charlene : Vice-President
Mr. Frédéric Platini : General Secretary
Mrs. Bettina Ragazzoni-Janin : General Treasurer
MEMBRES (Tuesday 19/12/2023)
Mrs. Danielle Benedetti : Responsible of the MRC Section to the Residence du Cap Fleuri
Miss Christine Boggiano : Responsible of the MRC Section to Centre Rainier III (President of the Blood donors’ association)
Mrs. Marie Hélène Gamba: Responsible of the MRC Section to the Résidence Charles Bellando de Castro
Mrs. Danielle Cottalorda : Responsible of the Communication
Mrs. Nuria Grinda : Responsible of the Protocole and Public Relations
Miss Camille Gottlieb : Responsible of the Youth Department
Mrs. Valerie Corporandy : Responsible of the Social Department
Mr. Doctor Mathieu Liberatore : Responsible of the First Aid Section
Mrs Dominique Martet : Responsible of the Health and Prevention Section
Mrs. Camille Narmino Blasco : Responsible of the Day Nursery
Mrs. Benoîte Rousseau de Sevelinges : Responsible of the Centre for Hospital Assistance
Mme Yordanos Pasquier : Responsible of the International Humanitary Section
L'actualité de la Croix Rouge Monégasque
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The Small States in Solidarity with Spain
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