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Bequests, donations, life insurance

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Another way of donating: bequests, donations or life insurance are acts of generosity and selflessness in support of the most vulnerable populations.

To make a BEQUEST or a DONATION in favour of the Monegasque Red Cross means to reconcile your personal and family commitments with the generous and solidarity spirit of the Red Cross. You also have the possibility of appointing the Monegasque Red Cross as beneficiary of your LIFE INSURANCE contract.

To transfer part of your assets to the Monegasque Red Cross is one way to give life to meaningful plans for the future. This enables us to carry out long-term projects and assert our presence with regard to individuals having suffered in their life, in Monaco or abroad.

You too can associate your name on a permanent basis with our social and humanitarian actions.

What is a bequest?

A bequest is a transmission by will of all or part of one’s assets. Succession is effective only after one’s death.

In making out your will, you may bequeath all or part of your assets to the Monegasque Red Cross. Your bequest can concern any type of assets: sums of money, real estate properties, bank accounts, works of art, etc.

You can alter or cancel your bequest at any time.

What is a donation?

A donation is a notarial deed by which sums of money or properties are given. The beneficiary becomes the immediate owner.

Like bequests, donations can concern any types of assets: real estate, cash, works of art, etc.

What is life insurance?

To take out a life insurance contract enables to build up or add value to a capital at one’s own pace; this capital will revert to the person of one’s choice at the time of death.

Banks, insurers and other financial institutions offer different formulas that can be adjusted to your needs.

A new reform concerning life insurance contracts gives better protection to the subscriber, who can inform the beneficiary without the latter accepting the benefit of the contract. Joint acceptance by the beneficiary and the subscriber is necessary to give final confirmation of the beneficiary clause.

Your bequests, donations and life insurance products are exempt of any estate and transfer duties. On this basis, all the assets received are devoted to Red Cross missions.

By making a bequest or a donation or by giving us the benefit of your life insurance, you are giving us the means of helping the most vulnerable!

What becomes of your bequest or your donation?

You may allocate your bequest or your donation to a specific project or activity. We promise in writing to respect your choice.

Unless you specify differently, the Red Cross allocates the bequests, donations and life insurance according to priority needs.

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For any information, and without committing yourself, do not hesitate to contact us :

By telephone : (+377) 97 97 68 00

Or by e-mail :

Your notary can also guide and advise you.

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