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Solidarity purchase

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Solidarity purchase

Because it can be helpful to buy works of art, the Monegasque Red Cross is putting up some items for sale in favour of its actions. This year, we are offering two types of solidarity purchases to suit every budget :

  • A series of magnificent photographic prints by Jean-Marc Bernard (Agence Realis, Monaco) about the reality of Africa and our projects in Burkina Faso (price range according to the size ordered, from 45 to 225 €).
  • The lithograph of the famous painting “Red Cross Painting” by Damien Hirst, given to the Red Cross during its 2008 annual Gala, signed by the artist and numbered, at the price of 8,000 € each.

Thanks to these purchases, you will enable the Monegasque Red Cross set up international solidarity projects in developing countries or those hit by a disaster. So, delay no longer, select on-line orders and shipment at home (not valid for the lithograph

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See / buy the works
  • Lithograph by Damien Hirst
  • Photographs by Jean-Marc Bernard

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