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BURKINA FASO : First aid


Burkina Faso is a vulnerable country because of its geographical location and its soaring demography. Its location in the tropical zone puts it at the risk of multiple disasters such as floods, epidemics, and even accidents of different types. Physical injuries are the immediate consequences of disasters and accidents.

According to medical sources, the number of traffic accidents is increasing in large cities. Moreover, other types of accidents, namely in the bush or at home, go on needing consultations every day. Finally, the number of companies in fields of activity having strong risks of accidents is constantly increasing… Therefore, it is important for these structures to initiate their staff to first-aid techniques so that everyone is able to react in the best manner in case of an accident, wherever they are.


Wishing to respond efficiently to urgent problems related to accidents, disasters, armed conflicts and often occupational accidents, the Monegasque Red Cross and the Burkinabe Red Cross have initiated a project to develop first aid. Its main objectives are :

  • Putting together and publishing a Burkinabe first-aid manual.
  • Improving response to disasters on the national level, allowing the training of more than 700 first-aid teachers.
  • Recycling 165 teachers in Ouagadougou and other regions.
  • Providing educational material to the Burkinabe Red Cross.
  • Supporting the development of first-aid activities with civil society persons in Burkina Faso;
  • Providing an income-generating activity for the Burkinabe Red Cross, estimated at 3,600 € per year thanks to first-aid training, in order to develop its projects in favour of the most vulnerable.

Results obtained

  • A first-aid manual tailored to the Burkinabe context has been elaborated and 4,000 copies have been sent to the Burkinabe Red Cross.
  • More than 2,000 volunteers have received first aid training.
  • 70 volunteers have been trained or recycled in the educational techniques for first-aid training.
  • The Burkinabe Red Cross has been endowed with tailored educational and first-aid material (first-aid kits, stretchers, blankets, etc.).
  • Actions with people in charge of civil society companies and organisations began in 2010 and more than 350 professionals have already been trained, enabling to generate income for the Burkinabe Red Cross
  • A communication strategy is presently elaborated to make first-aid skills of the Burkinabe Red Cross better known and to develop training.
  • A filmed advertising to promote first aid and the training offered by the Burkinabe Red Cross. It is presently broadcast on the Burkinabe television during prime time.


135 teachers (representing an important number of people trained every year afterwards) should be trained thanks to the new Burkinabe instructors.

  • The income generated should enable in 2012 the Burkinabe Red Cross to self-finance the salary of the person in charge of the project, as well as other expenses connected to the programme.

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Project Note

Purpose:Reinforcing the first-aid professional capabilities and skills of the Burkinabe Red Cross.

Partner: Burkinabe Red Cross, Department of Monegasque International Cooperation (DCI)


  • 165 first-aid instructors and teachers of the Burkinabe Red Cross;
  • Staff and executives of public and private organisations confronted to strong risks of accidents and emergency situations;
  • Burkinabe population victim of accidents and injuries in emergency situations. 

Budget: 172,000 Euros

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